As far as the US waiver is concerned, people who have any past criminal records or US immigration violation may find them inadmissible to the US for both immigrant as well as nonimmigrant purpose. If you are also one of those, then it it necessary for you to apply for US waiver of inadmissibility to win over the inadmissibility issue easily. us waiver Talking about the applicants for US waiver, they are different depending on the purpose of the application. Immigration waivers arise generally in the context of a spousal sponsorship application in which the foreign national spouse is found to be inadmissible for criminality or immigration violation in the past years. Here, the US waiver must show that refusing to allow the waiver would result in undue hardship for a US citizen or permanent resident over and beyond the separation. canadian denied entry to us If you are a non immigrant US waiver, the standard considered is whether the inadmissibility is an immigration violation or criminal matter. In such cases, it is vital and necessary to review the previous violation and to determine the best path for moving forward with the waiver application. nafta visa for canadians If you are looking for US and Canadian immigration or to find out if you are eligible for temporary or permanent reloaction to US or Canada, you should immediately contact an experienced U.S attorney as well as Canadian immigration lawyer that you can find online easily at leading law agencies. So what you are waiting for, come to a leading and reliable law firm and get the right assistance to come out of the problem.